G-Side are worry free

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We had the pleasure of drinking heavily with the Slow Motion Soundz posse, who rolled deep at the Longbranch Inn for G-Side's performance at The Austin Imposition. At the 15-minute mark, G-Side and PH do an a capella performance of the chorus for “No Worries”, so we've been waiting to hear the full version of the track. Shout outs to Christmas and his handle of Jack Daniels he was sneaking around in a back pack – the swigs of whiskey were much appreciated.

So G-Side's “No Worries” only catches us off guard for its minimalist texture courtesy of Clova. With the temperature rising, “No Worries” has the potential to be a BBQ anthem. G-Side's savoir-faire for the proper mixings brings to mind some good ole fashioned day drinking on a Sunday. Hell, if you are feeling daring we won't frown on slipping a little something in your coffee or redbull at work, while you jam this track at your cubicle.