
Free The Robots, In Other Worlds EP

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Free The Robots

As a segue into the next era of Free The Robots, the Southern California-based producer dropped the In Other Worlds EP. The EP is culled from leftovers from CTRL ALT DELETE / Mind's Eye EP sessions, fed through new techniques FTR acquired since 2010. In fact, it's difficult to believe it's been three years since CTRL ALT DELETE.

In Other Worlds aims to re-introduce listeners to the current taste of Free The Robots, which is still very much aligned with the Low End Theorists vibes with hints of psychedelia, but tracks like the eponymous closer show the progression of FTR. When the beat switches up around the two minute mark, suddenly we're in Badalamenti's territory. It's source material we'll never tire of hearing, and getting a beat scientist's take on the jazz terrors of the Twin Peaks composer builds anticipation for a promised full length later this year.