
Nomadic Firs, “In the Morning”

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Nomadic Firs

This song touches on a lot of the compositional ideas of the past 10 years or so: cloaking looped vocals in 'verb, thumping a bass/snare beat in the lowest register, a one-man-band making a synthy melody. You could name around six thousand bands following this general formula, but what sticks Nomadic Firs out in the wilderness is not the fact that he literally made this record in the wilderness – Ryan Boos, the man beneath the moniker, lives on a small farm in Tennessee with his wife – but his handle on popular melody and his deconstruction of such. “In the Morning” is a striking single, and it wakes you up immediately; you can imagine Boos imitating a rooster's cry in the recurring choral announcement. It's a feel-good, chummy, friendly song, and the piano solo in the middle is the right medicine to the sun's rise.

The whole album can be streamed or purchased from Crash Symbols' Bandcamp. The cassette is limited to 200 copies.