
Stream Pig DNA’s Mob Shity

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“Oh/You like that shit/Don’t you/Bad taste/Shitliker”

That’s the entire lyrical content of “Fly”, by Pig DNA. And that last bit is indelible: shitliker. Snobbery, distilled. A neologism for the ages. And in context, rife with implications. Consider it satire of cultural gatekeeping, perhaps, or a juvenile feces joke. Maybe it’s a veiled allusion to Swedish d-beat progenitors The Shitlickers.

The latter reading is relevant to Mob Shity—Pig DNA’s debut full-length, due soon via English label La Vida Es Un Mus Discos—which evidences affinity for the very most base, raw hardcore missives from groups such as The Shitlickers and Japanese counterparts such as Gai or Zouo, who are a little more on-trend in punk lately. Pig DNA riffs barely register as riffs, the vocals are serrated outbursts, and the drums—mostly a maelstrom of cymbal—intimate frenzied motion without the least bit of definition. It’s all a rousing, torrid listen, one where the only respite arrives in the form of excursions towards beat-less harsh-noise and industrial clamor.

Pig DNA, which formed in Oakland, previously self-released a spate of tapes and, last year, an EP entitled Control You Fucker #3 on Nightrider Records. Importantly, the group relishes the absurd a bit more than similarly-inclined revivalists. Individually, they go by Shit Zoo, Chelsea, THC, and Leatherfist, dapple xeroxed tape art with emojis, and, after an email interview last year, sent this writer a thank you video that defies tidy description.

Stream Mob Shity below. Beneath that, watch a live video from 2013.