
Amelia Pitcherella

Amelia Pitcherella

Amelia Pitcherella is a contributing editor and former intern at Impose, currently living in Philadelphia and devoting most of her attention to rock music. twitter

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VHS, “Art Decay”

Ylayali, “- – -]”

Jay Arner, “Crystal Ball”

Stream Grape Room’s Heart of Gum in full

Mozes and the Firstborn, “Great Pile of Nothing”

Stephen Steinbrink, “Anagrams”

Gap Dream, “College Music”

Stream Told Slant’s Going By in full

Ali Beletic, “Ends of the Earth”

Free Pizza, “Sighing”

Toupée, “Leg Toucher”

Stream Leapling’s Suspended Animation in full

Peach Kelli Pop, “Halloween Mask”

Jerry Paper, “Comma for Cow”

Mt. Home Arts to release Loone and Paper Bee’s split CS; merge with Apollonian Sound

Stream Erin Tobey’s Middlemaze in full

Old Maybe, Oblio

Cloud Becomes Your Hand, “Hermit”

Stream Karen Meat’s On The Couch EP in full

Cass McCombs announces new album; shares “Opposite House”

Nassau, “Desert Blues”

Space Raft, “Hang On Hang On”

Maher Shalal Hash Baz, Hello NewYork

The Hairs, “My Battleaxe”

Nail Polish, “Stay Gone”

Stream Naps and Yikes’ Split CS, The Most Beautiful Place on Earth / Commercial Music

Stream All People’s self-titled LP in full

Mercury Girls, “All That Heaven Allows”

Stream Colleen Green’s self-titled EP in full

Bird Of Youth, “Bitter Filth”

Stolen Jars, “Folded Out”

CE Schneider Topical, Antifree

Yikes, “Double Bacon Cheese”

Brenda’s Friend, “House Down”

Stream Klaus Johann Grobe’s Spagat der Liebe in full

Mutual Benefit, “The Hereafter”

Told Slant, “Tsunami”

Microsoft Saint, bubblegum bubblegum

Stream Lyonnais’ Anatomy of the Image in full

Tonstartssbandht, Christchurch

Lyonnais, “Hyperblues”

KATIEE, “Could”

Swanning, “Sleep My Pretties”

Male Gaze, “Lesser Demons”

Julian, Slow Approach

Honey, “White City”

Psychic Teens, “EVERYTHING”

Lisa Prank, “Luv Is Dumb”

Stream Patio’s Luxury EP in full

Dark Thoughts, Dark Thoughts