Hoop’s Week in Pop

Earning the honor of Band of the Week by the good people over at Seattle Magazine; Hoop’s Caitlin Roberts, Leena Joshi, Pamela Santiago & Inge Chiless celebrate the release of their grand self-released debut album Super Genuine by presenting their following exclusive Week in Pop guest selections:
Leena’s picks:
Slum Village, “Tainted Love”
I remember falling hard for the laid back, “Hey Arnold”-vibes of this video the first time I watched it. The song’s got that smoothie thick J Dilla beat that manages to ooze regret about the players and fakers out in the field while keeping you hopeful for something new to come along…
Wizard Apprentice, “Almost Live Episode 11–Keep it Cool”
Wizard Apprentice is the live performance artist, motion graphics/video & music producer Tieraney Carter, who Hoop was lucky to play with at one of our Oakland shows. Her music + live show was incredible and everything on her youtube channel is worth watching.
Weyes Blood, “Seven Words”
I’m obsessed with her voice and style. I love that a lot of her videos do narrative really well; not necessarily straightforward story-lines but strange dreamscapes that fit the songs.
Caitlin’s picks:

Teenage Fanclub, “Thin Air”
Whenever I listen to Gerry Love’s sparkling lyricism and sweet, calming vocal presentation, I am filled with joy; stress melts away. Glasgow’s Teenage Fanclub show that it is possible to present album after album of tasteful collaborative musicianship across the decades, unhurried, as an honest craft.
Neneh Cherry, “Manchild”
1989 CGI brings me closer to my dreams.
Pamela’s picks:

Helium, “Pat’s Trick”
Ultramarine, “Honey”
Kamaiyah, “Break You Down”
Inge’s picks:

Tank and the Bangas, Tiny Desk Concert
This artist and her band are phenomenal. Hocketing vocals and songs-as-stories.
Kendrick Lamar, “Love” (live at Coachella, 2017)
I listened to this song on tour with Hoop. Even hearing it on blown-out speakers made me stop everything I was doing and just listen. Beautiful hook, deep intention in lyrics from Kendrick. Makes me think about an everlasting love – love of a romantic partner, but also of a friend, of family.
Follow Hoop via Twitter.
Catch them on the following local Seattle dates:
18 – Timbre Room [Release Show]
19 – Everyday Music