
Originally heralding from pop music industry capital of the world Austin & currently based out of Los Angeles is Mamalarky. The talents of Livvy Bennett, Michael Hunter & Dylan Hill have been focuses on developing a hazy style of southwest psychedelia that stretches across the rows of deserts, mountains, fields, orchards & highways to find new ways of musical illuminations for the mind’s ear. The group’s experiments experienced across the Texas landscape through to media consortium of opportunities in LA brings the promise of Mamalrky’s debut EP Fundamental Thrive Hive available this spring that offers a privy invitation to the trio’s own intriguing pop oasis.
On the new single “Mama’s Bear”, Mamalarky brings the mood & feeling back to the maternal principles of creature comforts. The entire track operates at a hypnotic pace that rocks the audience gently to another world of warmth & love. Operating with the style of something you might hear in a beatnik lounge in the late 50s or early 60s—Livvy leads the group into a world of assured safety & sanctuary with words & chords of care. Mamalarky moves the audience into a whole other state of grace & joy, where the progression sways the listener to & fro like the mid-tempo pendulum motions of a porch front rocking chair. “Mama’s Bear” is the song for all sleepy long-lost spirits to find a warm hive & den of their own full of love & unconditional support.

Mamalarky’s Livvy Bennett shared some thoughts about the new single “Mama’s Bear” & the new Fundamental Thrive Hive EP:
“Mama’s Bear” is one of the first songs we decided to form a band around. In a way, it has a kind of child-like feeling to it, and I really like that about it. Sometimes I feel like I get super wrapped up in over-complicating the sentiments and musicality behind my songwriting and it’s nice to just have something be simple and sweet to your ears at the end of a day.
We tracked our EP Fundamental Thrive Hive in a super tight time frame. I was leaving for Los Angeles for a job so we had cram it all into a few days with fairly short notice. That pressure was really fun to live in, honestly. We worked with one of Austin’s best, Daniel McNeill, who has recorded virtually all our favorite bands. We’d recorded demos beforehand and nothing was emoting our songs like we wanted it to until we started working in Daniel’s studio. I think all three of us look back on that week of recording as a time we really felt the spirit of our music come together in the best way.
Listen to more from Mamalarky via Soundcloud.