
GRIT, “New Car”

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Los Angeles-based GRIT is heavy hitting their way into our hearts. Fronted by stellar performer Kat Meoz, the trio is set to release a self-titled debut EP. We’ve got the exclusive premiere of their track “New Car”, and it’s something we know you’re going to love.

The song hits fast, like a car crash, from the beginning. Funny, as the first lyrics are, “That mornin, when we crashed, it was a game changer.” The not so funny part could be the fact that the song is about an actual three car pile up that Meoz survived. “’New Car’ is a cautionary tale,” she expands. “It re-lives a three car pile up I was in a couple years ago. I’m singing to the driver of the car at fault by blaring out a cathartic scream and demanding answers.” The instrumentals maneuver about each other well, which is more than the car crash references might allude to. Meoz’s vocals are soulful, and she delivers like a true rock n’ roll queen, replete with perfectly placed, sultry squeaks that make you feel like you’re a part of a bigger rock performance. Even with the tempo changes halfway through, “New Car” is easy to follow.

GRIT is clearly a little rough around the edges, but in the best way possible. We’re thinking they’re on their way to being a household name.

Upcoming Show
September 17th, 78th Annual Mid-Autumn Moon Festival, Los Angeles, CA

“New Car” was recorded at The Pie Studios in Pasadena, CA and mixed by Grammy nominated Eric Weaver (Pharrell Williams, Iggy Azalea) and mastered by Gavin Lurssen (Queens of the Stone Age, Eagles of Death Metal).

Keep up with GRIT on their Facebook page.